Critical Race Theory Is Bad Medicine

Wall Street Journal |Dr. Richard Bosshardt

Dr. Bosshardt argues that “The ACS [American College of Surgeons] must choose between surgery and ideology. Whatever the choice may be, my colleagues and I will fight for the good of our patients.”

Bosshardt first noticed the push in 2019 at ACS’s presigeous annual lecture when Dr. Reede, Harvard Medical Schools’ dean for diversity and community partnership, gave a talk on ‘a path toward diversity, inclusion, and excellence’ that didn’t mention excellence. “Surgery is a discipline that demands excellence in all its stages, from training to practice,” explains Bosshardt. “Remarkably, Dr. Reede’s vision was met with rapturous acceptance by the college’s leadership, and the unqualified push for diversity became a lodestar for the group.”

The danger? “By elevating ideology, the college is undermining [its] essential and life-saving mission. It is deliberately promoting ideas that sow distrust among doctors and patients, insult the integrity of professional surgeons and reduce the quality of the care we provide.”

Bosshardt and others, however, are unable to dissent. “As a professional society, the college owes its members a frank and honest discussion about the merits of its actions and these ideas. Instead, it is silencing dissent…the college banned me from the online forums and blocked my access to a nationwide directory of my peers.”

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