An accelerator physicist reaches his breaking point

Heterodox STEM | Patrice Nishikawa (scientifically known as Etienne Forest)

A 63-year-old accelerator physicist, naturalized Japanese citizen and former Canadian citizen writes a scathing letter to the Elsevier academic publishing company after being asking to review a paper adhering to inclusion, diversity and equity (IDE) policies—”It has no business asking us to do anything besides reviewing the scientific quality of a submission irrespective of the race, gender, sexual orientation, age or civil status (incarcerated or not). I absolutely refuse to care about such things… It is time to grow a pair and fight for reason and the scientific method.”

A few key excerpts:

“Living in East-Asia, it is clear to me that the scientific method, as an epistemological tool to extract knowledge from fairy tales, is perhaps the only import from the West that is universally accepted… And yet, the purveyor of IDE are doing their damned best to destroy it in the West. Shame, shame, shame.”

“I am publicly announcing my desire to cease all interaction with journals that promote the IDE ideology. Equity in particular, as in equality of results, is a vicious concept on evolutionary grounds. We are not ants.”

“I resent the fact that some bureaucrat, excreted out of the humanities, will tell us, physicists, about diversity, inclusion and equity when they are too dumb to tell apart what a 1 day old rat sees immediately: a mom and a dad.”

”The George Floyd episode, the collapse of Roe vs Wade, cultural appropriation, etc... are all American neuroses that Canadians and Europeans are importing out of context within their own cultures as if they were the 51st state of the USA…. As a naturalized Japanese, I will do my best to oppose the introduction of these diseases into Japan.”

Read the Piece


The Hijacking of Pediatric Medicine


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