Apathy Descends on Stanford and Stanford’s Search for Meaning

Stanford Review- Apathy | Search for Meaning

Two must-read pieces on what’s happening on elite college campuses today. While it may seem that there’s activism and meaning-infused energy in some student publications, the reality on the ground at elite institutions tells a very different story.

On Apathy

“A confluence of social media activism, where a repost on Instagram replaces a desire to protest, and an increase in pre-professionalism has led elite universities to stop producing people who genuinely have any strong beliefs… Absent our real civic engagement and citizenship, we are going to oversee a sleepwalk into the decline of American democracy—led by apathetic elite college alums.”

On Meaning

“Sometime after arriving on campus, everyone comes to the realization that merely being at Stanford doesn’t mean that all of their problems are replaced with a sea of awesome friends and internship opportunities. It is at this point that Stanford students ought to reject the box-checking mentality that allowed them to get into Stanford and embrace meaningful personal development. But sadly, they don’t… Constantly building up a resume, developing skills for the next opportunity, never satisfied… Constantly busy, yet not accomplishing anything meaningful.”

Read the Articles: Apathy Descends on Stanford | Stanford’s Search for Meaning


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