Letters in Black and White: A New Correspondence on Race in America

by Harvard Alum Winkfield Twyman, Jr. (JD 86) and Jennifer Richmond; Foreward by FAIR Advisor Erec Smith, co-founder and president of Free Black Thought.

From the publisher: “Unsatisfied with the relentless pace and narrow constraints of social media, two Americans—Winkfield Twyman, Jr. and Jennifer Richmond, a black man and a white woman—rediscovered the art of letter writing and maintained a years-long correspondence about race in the United States. In Letters in Black and White, they share for the first time their exchange in full, charting their journey from wary strangers to trusted confidants…Ultimately, they offer an inspirational message of hope and optimism for all—one that does not allow the past to define our present or predetermine our future.”

Foreward to the Book by FAIR Advisor Erec Smith (Free Black Thought, 5/23/23)—”We’ve lost sight of the efficacy of dialogue in the midst of social media and the confinement of 280 characters. This book can remind us of what good-faith conversation about difficult topics can look like. It can drive home the fact that racial congeniality is a superordinate goal—one that is important for the well-being of all involved, regardless of skin color, class, gender, etc.”

You may purchase the book directly from the publisher here.


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